Hello my friends,
at the moment there is less to fotopraph for me. I had a look for a short job, to have a bit more money. I found a co driver in a transporter for disabled persons. They need to go between their home an the daycare each day. The traffic I see in Berlin is very crazy. Today I took pics, I´m planing to use the Video cam, because somtime it´s unbelievable, italian style.
I´ve been at the Institut for wild Animal Research with my school kids. It was very interesting, we made photos of the big CT- mashine. It can even scan a lively bear.
For us they scaned an animal skull. Do you recognize the animal?
blowpipe Shooting
The other diagnosis is about my car, it does´nt want to start anymore. The workshop says it´s the fuel pump. The battery and the air conditioning need a check up too. It becomes a long account