Berlin is grown all the times, this year it will be 775 years-ceremony. The city got lager by taking over the towns arround. 1920 was a very big taking over arround the citiy. They told the towns, they will get money from the rich city of Berlin. But in fact Berlin is not rich. One of the towns, that 1920 became a part of Berlin, is called Biesdorf. It still has no character as being a world city. An old heritage is the castle and its park. The castle were damaged at the world war 2. It has been repaired and next year it even should get back the lost 2th floor.
The nice tower has unfortunatly no stairs, there is no way to come up. The 2th floor will bring the old stairway back.
I plan to visit it with my schoolkids in a few weeks, to see it the last time, befor it get´s scafoldet for the next 2 or 3 years. Today I was there to speak the people and make an appointment for the kids.
The castle was build in 1886 |
fontain in the Park |
icehouse in the park |
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